power bi 背景图_Power BI桌面饼图树
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power bi 背景图

Power BI Desktop amplifies the value of data. We can connect to multiple data sources and visualize the data interactively. One of the best parts of Power BI Desktop is the custom visual feature. It allows developers to create custom visuals and users can then download these visuals from the marketplace and use it as per the data set requirements. We can prepare reports using Power BI Desktop and share the reports using the Power BI service.

Power BI Desktop会放大数据的价值。 我们可以连接到多个数据源并以交互方式可视化数据。 自定义视觉功能是Power BI Desktop最好的部分之一。 它允许开发人员创建自定义视觉效果,然后用户可以从市场上下载这些视觉效果,并根据数据集要求使用它。 我们可以使用Power BI Desktop准备报告,并使用Power BI服务共享报告。

In this article, we will explore the Power BI Desktop custom visual ‘Pie Tree Chart’. We can represent hierarchical data in tree mode with the values in a pie chart for each node. It provides a different way to represent the data in the chart.

在本文中,我们将探讨Power BI Desktop自定义可视化“饼图”。 我们可以用树形模式表示分层数据,并用饼图中的每个节点的值表示。 它提供了另一种表示图表中数据的方式。

使用Excel数据源将数据导入Power BI Desktop (Importing Data into Power BI Desktop using Excel data source)

We will first import the data using Excel sheet into Power BI Desktop.

我们将首先使用Excel工作表将数据导入Power BI Desktop。

In Power BI Desktop, Click on the ‘Get Data -> Excel.’

在Power BI Desktop中,单击“获取数据-> Excel”。

Import the data using Excel sheet into Power BI Desktop

Provide the source Excel file path and click ‘Open.’


Import the data using Excel sheet into Power BI - selecting a file

If you want to make any change in the data, you can click on ‘Edit’. We do not want to make any change in the data therefore, click ‘Load’.

如果要更改数据,可以单击“编辑”。 我们不想对数据进行任何更改,因此,请单击“加载”。

Edit the imported data in PowerBI

You can view the imported data set in the FIELDS area.


View the imported data set in the FIELDS area in PowerBI

从市场将饼图树视觉效果导入Power BI Desktop (Importing Pie Chart Tree visuals from Marketplace into Power BI Desktop)

In the Menu bar, we can go to the Custom Visual Section. In this section, click on the ‘From Marketplace’

在菜单栏中,我们可以转到“自定义视觉”部分。 在此部分中,单击“来自市场”

In the Power BI Visuals Marketplace, search for the Pie Chart Tree and add it.

在Power BI Visuals Marketplace中,搜索饼图树并将其添加。

Add visuals from the Power BI Visuals market place

It downloads and installs the custom visual Pie Tree Chart.


Importing custom visuals in Power BI

You can also download the Pie Tree Chart from the


Selecting the Pie Charts Tree in thhe Power BI application marketplace

准备饼图 (Preparing the Pie Tree Chart)

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We have sample data in Power BI Desktop along with the Pie Tree Chart. Click on the Pie Tree chart icon in the visualization section. It populates a chart image in the chart area of Power BI Desktop.

我们在Power BI Desktop中具有示例数据以及饼图。 单击可视化部分中的饼图图表图标。 它将在Power BI Desktop的图表区域中填充图表图像。

Preparing the Pie Tree Chart

Drag the ‘Category’ field from the FIELDS section to the ‘Categories’ area. We get the first level of hierarchy using this.

将“类别”字段从“字段”部分拖到“类别”区域。 我们使用此方法获得第一级层次结构。

In the following screenshot, you can see the product category in different lines. We have three categories in our sample data, i.e. Furniture, office Suppliers and Technologies. We can see the different colors for each category in the Pie chart Tree.

在以下屏幕截图中,您可以在不同的行中看到产品类别。 我们在样本数据中分为三类,即家具,办公室供应商和技术。 我们可以在饼图树中看到每个类别的不同颜色。

We can hover the mouse over the category, and you can see the particular category name in the pop-up box.


Now let us drag the sub-category field into the categories area. It quickly creates a new level of hierarchy for the sub-category of the products. You can see the sub-categories aligned with each category.

现在,让我们将子类别字段拖到类别区域。 它可以快速为产品的子类别创建新的层次结构。 您可以看到与每个类别对齐的子类别。

If we have many product categories and their subcategories, the chart becomes complex. Suppose we want to view any particular category, we can quickly view that particular category by collapsing others. In the example, we want to view the ‘Office Suppliers’ category, and then click on rest of two categories. It collapses those particular categories as shown below. In the below screenshot, we can easily view any particular category.

如果我们有许多产品类别及其子类别,则图表将变得复杂。 假设我们要查看任何特定类别,则可以通过折叠其他类别快速查看该特定类别。 在示例中,我们要查看“ Office Suppliers”类别,然后单击其余两个类别。 如下所示折叠这些特定类别。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们可以轻松查看任何特定类别。

In the next step, we are going to add the values filed ‘profit’ into the ‘Value’ section, and we can see the value for each subcategory.


Let me focus on one particular category. We can collapse other categories by clicking on that.

让我专注于一个特定类别。 通过单击可以折叠其他类别。

In the Pie Chart Tree, you can notice the pie chart with each category and subcategory. In the Pie chart, it shows the percentage value of that particular category or subcategory however, chart shows the category and subcategory into tree form, this is the reason it is called as Pie Chart Tree.

在饼图树中,您可以注意到每个类别和子类别的饼图。 在饼图中,它显示该特定类别或子类别的百分比值,但是,该图表将类别和子类别显示为树形,这就是将其称为“饼图树”的原因。

We can have only one value corresponding to each subcategory. In the below screenshot, we can see the values for the ‘Sales’ field.

我们每个子类别只能有一个值。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们可以看到“销售”字段的值。

We can easily modify the chart conditions by dragging the required fields. Suppose we want to view the Pie Chart Tree for the sub-category followed by the category and their sales values. In the below screenshot, we will drag the sub-category and Category field to ‘Categories’ and Sales into values section.

我们可以通过拖动必填字段轻松地修改图表条件。 假设我们要查看子类别的“饼图树”,然后是类别及其销售额。 在下面的屏幕截图中,我们将把“子类别”和“类别”字段拖到“类别”,然后将“销售额转化为值”部分。

If we hover the mouse over any particular category, we can see the corresponding value and percentage value.


As highlighted earlier, we can have collapsed the particular category. In the below example, we can collapse the desired category while displaying the required category.

如前所述,我们可以折叠特定类别。 在下面的示例中,我们可以在显示所需类别的同时折叠所需类别。

If there are multiple visuals in the page, you can click on the particular link to filter the result set. Once you click on the link, it shows that in the form of multiple dots.

如果页面中有多个视觉效果,则可以单击特定链接以过滤结果集。 单击链接后,它将以多个点的形式显示。

In the next step, we will set the following fields. It prepares the Pie Chart Tree instantaneously with these fields.

在下一步中,我们将设置以下字段。 它使用这些字段即时准备饼图树。

  • Categories: Sub-category and category 分类 :子类别和类别
  • Value: Profit 价值 :利润
  • Target: Sales 目标 :销售

We can set the target to put the measure in the Pie Chart Tree in Power BI Desktop. It can help to put the target measure and do the analysis of the status as a comparison of the target.

我们可以设置目标以将度量放入Power BI Desktop中的饼图树中。 作为目标的比较,可以帮助您确定目标度量并进行状态分析。

It adds a measured value to the tooltip as well. You can see the target value and target percentage in the tooltip for the particular category.

它也将测量值添加到工具提示中。 您可以在工具提示中看到特定类别的目标值和目标百分比。

饼图树的格式 (Formatting for the Pie Chart Tree)

Once we have prepared the chart with the dataset, we can customize the Pie Chart Tree as per our requirements. In Power BI Desktop, we can click on the ‘Format’ to get all these formatting options.

一旦使用数据集准备了图表,就可以根据需要自定义饼图树。 在Power BI Desktop中,我们可以单击“格式”以获取所有这些格式选项。

Let us explore these formatting options.


Tree Option – Expand Mode: We can control the tree expand behaviour using this property. By default, it is set to ‘Expanded’. In this mode, we can see all nodes expanded in the Pie Chart Tree.

树选项-扩展模式:我们可以使用此属性控制树的扩展行为。 默认情况下,它设置为“扩展”。 在这种模式下,我们可以看到饼图树中的所有节点都已展开。

We have the following, other modes.


  • Expand Lowest: it only expands the lowest category in the Pie Chart Tree as shown below 最低展开 :仅展开饼图树中的最低类别,如下所示

  • Expand Highest: It expands the top category in the Pie Chart Tree 最高展开:扩展饼图树中的最高类别

  • Collapsed: In this mode, all the nodes are collapsed 折叠:在此模式下,所有节点都折叠

Weighted Links: By default, all the links width is displayed as per their category weight. If we turn it OFF, we get the same width for the links as shown below.

加权链接 :默认情况下,所有链接的宽度均按照其类别权重显示。 如果将其关闭,则链接的宽度如下所示。

Weighted Links – ON


Weighted Links – OFF


Tooltips: It controls the tooltip behaviour in the Pie Chart Tree. If we hover the mouse over any category, it shows the information in the tooltip. We can disable this behaviour by turning ‘Tooltips – OFF.’

工具提示:它控制饼图树中的工具提示行为。 如果将鼠标悬停在任何类别上,它将在工具提示中显示信息。 我们可以通过关闭“工具提示-关闭”来禁用此行为。

Expand Single Node: We can expand only a single node using this property. We can see below only one node is expanded. This property is disabled, by default.

扩展单个节点:使用此属性,我们只能扩展单个节点。 我们可以看到下面只有一个节点被扩展。 默认情况下禁用此属性。

Tree Labels- Root Node Name: In the Pie Chart Tree, we can see the root node as ‘All’. We can control the root node name using this Root Name property.

树标签-根节点名称:在饼图树中,我们可以看到根节点为“全部”。 我们可以使用此Root Name属性控制根节点名称。

Let us change this to ‘SQL’.

让我们将其更改为“ SQL”。

Magic labels: By default, we see the labels with each node. If we turn on the Magic Labels, we will not see the label against each node. It shows the label as we move the mouse around it.

魔术标签:默认情况下,我们会看到每个节点的标签。 如果打开“魔术标签”,则不会在每个节点上看到标签。 当我们在其周围移动鼠标时,它会显示标签。

Background labels: We see a background for each label in the Pie Chart Tree. It helps to visualize and read the labels in a better way.

背景标签:我们在饼图树中看到每个标签的背景。 它有助于更​​好地可视化和阅读标签。

If we do not want to label background, turn if ‘OFF’ and you can see the difference in the label.

如果我们不想标记背景,请将其设置为“ OFF”(关闭),您会看到标签中的差异。

Tree Colours: We can control the tree colours using this property. It allows controlling the Arc Base, Arc colour, Link colour etc. We should make the change if there is any particular requirement only.

树颜色:我们可以使用此属性控制树的颜色。 它允许控制“圆弧底”,“圆弧颜色”,“链接颜色”等。如果仅有特殊要求,我们应该进行更改。

Title: We can customize the Pie Chart Tree title, colour, font, alignment, background colour using this property. In the below screenshot, you can see the modified title.

标题:我们可以使用此属性来自定义饼图树的标题,颜色,字体,对齐方式,背景色。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到修改后的标题。

结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we explored the PowerBI Desktop Pie Chart Tree that provides a useful combination of both the Pie chart and the Tree Chart to represent hierarchical data with their values and proportion.


目录 (Table of contents)

Power BI Desktop Pie Chart Tree
Power BI桌面饼图树


power bi 背景图


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